999999999 Live
Drugstore Beograd
Bulevar Despota Stefana 115, 11000 Beograd
Zbog stupanja na snagu zabrane skupova od preko 100 ljudi zbog moguce epidemije covid-19 virusa, organozatori događaja primorani su da odlože dogadjaj zakazan za petak, 13. Mart 2020.
Isti dogadjaj ce se odrzati u petak 27. Novembra 2020. Ulaznice od 13.marta važiće za 27. novembar.
“If you’ve never seen an elephant ski, you’ve never been on acid.”
13 MAR 2020 PETAK, 23:00
“If you’ve never seen an elephant ski, you’ve never been on acid.”
― Eddie Izzard
This March we’ll try and trick Friday 13th bad luck marking the return of acid titans from Italy ―999999999‘s are coming back to Belgrade! Along side this unique live act we’ll have the chance of enjoying yet anotherDrugstore BeogradDJ set fromTom Talenbergwho’s bringing fresh sounds of Berlin with him.
999999999(live) – techno duo from Venice made their Drugstore Beograd debut in 2018 at unforgettable REACT 3 techno spectacle. Uncompromising acid sound is a characteristics of their live performance. They are releasing music on their own label cause they believe that artist should not be motivated by the money but by constant need to communicate trough his music.
Tom Talenberg– returns to Drugstore Belgrade with great motivation to play another stellar set. Tom’s style reflects his love for minimalism, groove and clarity. Using bleepy modular sounds to deep chords, he keeps it dynamic and flowing.
In charge of supporting our friends will be MR residentsRARand WAGNER.
Yes, acid is the answer!
Source: Music Reactions
Mail: klubsu@yahoo.com
Kontakt tel: 065 610-43-12 i 065/366-5-222
Sajt: www.tiketklub.com
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